# Using the tool

To use the tool just enter in your nova installation and click on Filemanager link of the sidebar.

The Filemanager will shown.


# Storage disk

Filemanager uses Storage to work with files. Set your default disk of the filemanager in the config file.


Some functions like getimagesize or size are not available in some drivers.

# Order

You can order your files in Filemanager. Just modify the config option.

You can use mime, name or size.

If you want to modify the order direction you can modify the option too.

Available options are asc or desc.

# Cache

You can use cache in Filemanager. This could be very useful when s3 is being used or when needs to read a lot of files.

Filemanger will cache each file using the name and the time of the file.

By default cache is set to false. You can specify the cache time you need.

Available options are false or numbers.


Cache is set by file, not by folder

# Uploads

Just Drag&Drop into the Filemanager to start uploading. Or click the Upload button.

You can upload folders also by dropping into the Filemanager.

# Naming strategy

You can resolve the upload file name creating your own class. Check the docs

# Folders

You can create folders clicking in the Create folder button.

# View / List

You can change the defauult view of the Filemanager. Once click it's saved in your browser localStorage for future. Default view is Grid.

# Filters

You can use Filters to filter files by extension.

Filters are defined on filters section in the config File.

Default filters are:

 'filters'   => [

    'Images'     => ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'svg', 'bmp', 'tiff'],

    'Documents'  => ['pdf', 'doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'ppt', 'pps', 'pptx', 'odt', 'rtf', 'md', 'txt'],

    'Videos'     => ['mp4', 'avi', 'mov', 'mkv', 'wmv', 'flv', '3gp', 'h264'],

    'Audios'     => ['mp3', 'ogg', 'wav', 'wma', 'midi'],

    'Compressed' => ['zip', 'rar', 'tar', 'gz', '7z', 'pkg'],


But You can create|modify|delete as you want.

For example you can create a new filter called Development:

	'Development' => ['php', 'js', 'vue', 'make'],

Default filter

You can also filter by default all files. Use the filter option to choose a filter family.

For example:

'filter'    => 'development',

Use a lowercase of your key family.

You can search in your current files using the search box.

# File details

You can view file details clicking on a file. This will throw a popup with the file details.


Our Filemanager is able to show the preview of a lot of types so far:

Type Preview Description
Images Image preview All images with a image mime type and SVG files
Audios Audio player All files with audio mime type
Videos Video player All files with video mime type
Texts Codemirror viewer All files with text, plain or sql mime type
Zips Tree view listing all files All files with zip mime type
PDFs Google previews All files pdf mime type

# Move files

You can move files between folders using drag an drop

# Rename

You can rename files and folders hovering the item or in the options column. Also In file preview.

# Delete

You can delete files and folders hovering the item or in the options column. In file preview you're able to delete the file